What is Tuesday Tea?
Tuesday Tea originated back in the 1980’s. Meeting in the Quabbin Visitor Center, it was a time when former residents of the Valley’s lost towns could come together and visit, reminisce and share their sorrows… and they actually served tea. Today, most of the former residents still with us were infants or very young children when they left and have no memories of their life there. Some do, however, have wonderful second-hand knowledge passed down from theri parents or older siblings.
Tuesday Tea continues meet (no tea, but sometimes goodies) the first Tuesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 at the Les and Terry Campbell Quabbin Visitor Center located at 485 Ware Road, off Route 9 in Belchertown, MA.
Meetings consist of a variety of things. In addition to the important social component where folks chat and catch up on both old and new happenings, there may be a short program relating to one of the towns or Quabbin in general, or a show and tell of someone’s recently discovered family connection. At times there are videos, or an update on current goings-on at Quabbin. There is a wealth of knowledge among Tuesday Tea folks and they love to share it. All are welcome whether sharing tales of the Valley, or wishing to learn more about it.
Tuesday Tea attendees also join with the Friends of Quabbin for an annual Holiday Party in December, an annual picnic at Hank’s Meadow in August and, along with the DCR, a Memorial DayTribute at the Quabbin Park Cemetery.
The next Tuesday Tea meeting will be on April 8th from 1:00 -3:00 in the Les and Terry Campbell Quabbin Visitor Center.